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The name for this AR workshop series was coined by my 9 year old brother Aizen. Above is the original model that started the journey! - A.R.

The Floating Farm is a workshop series aimed at democratizing augmented reality development and utilizing the technology in 4H learning and project creation while also considering the factors of limitation (in funds or equipment) as well as supplemental learning materials.

Augmented reality is a technology that places virtual objects and features onto a physical surface using a camera. Students learn the basics of augmented reality, it’s incomplete history, and learn to create a virtual farm using free online softwares Unity, Tinkercad, and Vuforia as well as being able to host and share their work with friends and peers.

From humble beginnings as an experimental workshop series, the Floating Farm has grown to now provide instruction via workbook, online video tutorials, as well as scheduled virtual workshops training sessions through our online website. The objective of the project is to inspire more (youth and adult) instructors to take what they learn and serve as a mentor to their community. Whether one decides to use AR in their classroom, for a school project, or just for fun we hope you have a better understanding of the free resources available!

Andie Rodriguez


Floating Farm Workshop Writer
AR Instructor


Aizen (right) and his sketch for his farm (center). - A.R.

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